Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Worst Valentine's Day Memory

My worst Valentine's Day memory was when Allison and I got in a big fight when we were 8 years old. It happened because we both had a crush on my neighbor, Paul, who was our age. I was really excited because I had made him a hand-made card and Allison was coming over to hang out. She showed me the card that she had made for him and I was freaking out because she made him a card and I couldn't give him mine. She couldn't like him because he was MINE!!! But when we went over to his house, it ended up he didn't like either of us!!! We were upset at the time but now we are over him and friends again. Mrs. Brown, I am going to comment on Libby Brost and Meredith Lohr.


AllisonG! said...

Hi savannah! I love your blog it is so creative and funny! It is really interesting too! I loved your dinosaur background, it was really cute! I also like your new background, the print is so cute and I love the pink and black! I love Valentines day! I still can't believe that that really happened to us, hahahaha! It was horrible then, but it is so funny now looking back on it! Be sure to check out my blog!

libby said...

Hey Savannah! Aww that's so sad that that happened to you guys...but I've got a story like that: so in the 5th grade, I liked this one guy...but Marissa liked the same guy and we were best friends. But I convinced her to like another guy instead so I could have him all to myself. And he didn't like either of us! I feel really bad about that now...but we look back on it and laugh. By the way, I also admire Audrey Hepburn.:) She is a fashion IDOL. Plus, she didn't get into lots of scandals which is good. So yeah comment my blog!;) Missed you today in biology. I failed that test, by the way because I was gone all weekend and Thursday and Friday.