For Easter Break I am going down to my grandparents house in Chester. Chester is a little town in Southern Illinois. It has the only Wal-Mart that doesn't have automatic doors. It does have a McDonnald's and a Hardee's but I don't eat at either of those places because they are dicusting. Not just in Chester but everywhere in general. I wouldn't want to eat at those places anyway because my grandma is an excelent cook and she makes all my favorite dishes. My g-rents have a farm there where my grandpa grows tomatoes, strawberries, corn, sugar snap peas, cantalopes, and raspberries. I go there during the summer and help out and drive a tractor and all kinds of farmy things. I will be driving my cousin Morgan around because she doesn't get her license until January so we apparently are going to go cruising around. It will be fun.
I would not eat it with a fox, I would not eat it in a box. :D
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